For years, we’ve received calls like these:
- “I ‘free leased’ my horse to a friend, but now she refuses to return my horse.”
- “A neighbor let me ‘rescue’ her horse because she could no longer take care of him. Now I want to sell him, but my neighbor says I can’t do this.”
In each situation, the parties had no written contract, and nobody was ready or able to undergo an intense and costly legal battle that might follow.
Equine transactions are ripe for a legal dispute when the parties have no written contract and a completely different understanding of the same transaction. Without a contract or agreement explaining the transaction and what the parties’ intended, these types of legal matters can become lawsuits in which the outcome is never predictable. What is a virtual guarantee is that in a court of law the dispute will never be quick, easy, or cheap to litigate. Read More ›